CONCAT Business Consulting Pvt Ltd
Phone: 9555626260
I-71, South City II,
Gurugram, MH 122018


Turning Likes into Leads: Converting Your Social Media Audience

Turning Likes into Leads: Converting Your Social Media Audience

What is social media marketing? Social Media Marketing(SMM) is the use of social media platforms to connect or engage with your audience to develop your brand, boost sales, drive website traffic and more. Social media profiles include quality content for postings and follower engagements, and advertise through social media ads. There are lots of options […]

Unlocking Backlinks Potential For SEO

Unlocking Backlinks Potential For SEO

Backlinks are frequently regarded in the field of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as a foundation of a successful website. When positioned carefully, even little hyperlinks can have a big impact on a website’s exposure and position on search engine result pages. Let’s examine backlinks in more detail and see how they might improve the SEO […]

SEO Services in USA: How it works and thrives in US

Explore the inner workings and thriving strategies of SEO services in the USA

What is the importance of SEO Services? The global SEO (Search Engine Optimization) market is estimated at 73 Billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR (Compounded Annual Growth Rate) of 8% to 125 Billion by 2030. As a marketer or a business owner, it’s important to be aware of how SEO […]

What is SEO and how to use it in practice?

What is SEO and how to use it in practice?

What is SEO and how to use it in practice? Learn what is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and how to use it to optimize your website for major search engines such as Google. You may do this by employing a variety of tactics and strategies that match the acronym for search engine optimization, or SEO. […]

Maximizing Cost Savings with SEO Outsourcing Services

Maximizing Cost Savings with SEO Outsourcing Services

Introduction In today’s hyper-competitive digital environment, companies – spanning across industries – try to create a powerful online image to increase consumer engagement. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become a cornerstone for achieving online visibility, organic traffic, and increased revenue. However, most firms cannot implement SEO on their own as they lack the expertise, time, […]

What Is Digital Marketing

What Is Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing involves all the marketing efforts which include the use of electronic devices, digital technologies, digital platforms, and the Internet to promote products and services. A digital marketer focuses on connecting with target audiences, increasing engagements, and promoting business through various digital means such as search engines, social media, email marketing, and online advertisements. […]

What to Expect When Hiring a Marketing Consultant

Marketing Consultant

What to Expect When Hiring a Marketing Consultant Marketing is about adding value to the community. It contributes to improved products and services that improve the lives of people. As a result, strong marketing increases demand. Accounting, manufacturing, and R&D are meaningless without a sufficient demand for goods and services. Marketing consultancy businesses play a […]

Google Core Update for March 2024 – SEO Update

Google's First Core Update Of 2024

Introduction: Google’s fundamental change from March 2024 is drastically changing the SEO landscape. This significant update may have the same impact on the internet as the Panda and Penguin updates. This upgrade is significant, as every seasoned marketer admits, and its impact is tremendous and extensive. Has the March 2024 core update affected your website? […]

From Vision to Execution: The Ultimate Guide to Developing a Winning Marketing Strategy

Developing A Winning Marketing Strategy

Marketing is an essential part of any business, big or small. To succeed in today’s competitive market, companies must have a strong marketing strategy in place. A well-planned marketing strategy can help a business increase its customer base, boost revenue, and improve profit margins. In this post, we’ll discuss the key steps to developing a […]

The Impact of ESG Investing on the Finance Industry

Impact Of ESG Investing On The Finance Industry

ESG investing has become a significant force in the finance industry, with more and more investors focusing on factors beyond financial returns. ESG investing takes into account a company’s environmental impact, social responsibility, and governance practices, in addition to financial performance. As a result, ESG investing is driving change across a wide range of industries. […]